Using f200 Activated Alumina As a Desiccant

Activated alumina is created through controlled heating of a hydrated alumina crystal, which causes its lattice to rupture along its planes of structural weakness, creating well-defined pores that can adsorb diverse molecules.

Packed with water-attracting molecules, sodium silicate serves as an effective desiccant to dry various liquids and gases.

High adsorption capacity

Activated aluminas possess high adsorptive capacity and are widely used as desiccants. They are produced through controlled heating of hydrated alumina to expel water molecules and cause its crystal lattice to rupture along planes of structural weakness, creating well-defined pores with large surface area and defined dimensions. Alumina desiccants offer lower adsorption capacities than silica gel desiccants but are far less likely to attrite and require no maintenance costs for long term performance.

Superior mechanical strength, resistance to amines and low abrasion are hallmarks of quality that make the material ideal for gas dehydration towers as it reduces pressure drop while mitigating downstream valve and filter plugging issues that often arise with dustier products.

activated aluminas are widely used for desiccation applications in both air and liquid desiccation applications due to their high wet capacity and large surface area-to-mass ratio, including dehydration of gases to achieve dew points of 70 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit; speciality activated aluminas can even remove phosphate, fluoride and arsenic from gas streams.

F-200 Spherical Beads feature an exceptional surface area to mass ratio that ensures they possess an outstanding H2O adsorption capacity, making them suitable for almost all applications. Their dynamic water adsorption capacity ensures they will meet dew point specifications without overabsorbing other contaminants; additionally their high crush strength and abrasion resistance make them ideal for use under highly turbulent conditions and their low pH allows for reduced risk of corrosive reactions.

High crush strength

F200 activated alumina is ideal for many applications due to its high crush strength, including drying gases and liquids, chemical contamination adsorption (VOCs, heavy metals etc) as well as being an excellent adsorbent for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and heavy metals such as copper. With an expansive specific surface area and pore structure it also makes an effective absorber of HOCs like pentachlorophenol 2,4 dichlorophenol 2,4,6 TCP as well as pesticides such as Molinate, Atrazine Propazine among others.

F-200 is an innovative activated alumina material produced through BASF’s innovative manufacturing process and serves as an industry-leading desiccant for drying liquids and gases of various composition. While all molecules are adsorbed to some degree on this material, those with higher polarity tend to be preferentially taken up. Other factors affecting its efficiency of adsorption may include pressure, concentration, molecular weight of molecules being adsorbed as well as temperature as well as competing molecules in the stream environment.

This material comes in 1/16and 1/4spherical beads to suit your application needs. Their sphericity helps ensure that material is evenly distributed throughout the bed, which reduces channeling. Bundan əlavə, this product boasts high resistance to amines while being low abrasion, making it the perfect option for desiccant dryers operating under harsh acidic environments.

High abrasion resistance

Activated alumina is an extremely popular desiccant material. Available in bead, ball and granular forms, activated alumina is ideal for drying many liquids quickly and efficiently. When compared to other desiccants, activated alumina stands out with its superior capacity, less powdering, no expansion and superior corrosion resistance properties. Bundan əlavə, activated alumina’s insoluble nature means it does not dissolve under high temperature conditions, does not suffer visualization poisoning and inertness against most acidsmaking activated alumina an inert material.

BASF F-200 Spherical Activated Alumina Desiccants offer a comprehensive selection of bead sizes to meet the needs of diverse applications. Their uniform size helps prevent segregation during pneumatic loading and channelsing for faster, more efficient tower use. Bundan əlavə, F-200 activated alumina has exceptional crush strength resistance against amine attackessential features when high pressure gas dehydration to minimize pressure drop is involved.

Alumina surfaces are highly porous and feature a large area-to-mass ratio, providing ample surface area for absorption of various molecules. All molecules can be adsorbed to some degree; those with higher polarity tend to be preferentially adsorbed. Bundan əlavə, stream conditions, concentration, temperature, and competing molecules all impact how efficiently adsorption takes place.

Low acid adsorption capacity

Activated aluminas are excellent desiccants for liquids and gases of various composition. Their high specific surfaces allow them to attract ions and molecules from gas streams for absorption; additionally they have many uses beyond absorption, such as acid removal from gas streams or organic solvents; drying applications include drying gases like acetylene, methane or oxygen.

Adsorption capacity of activated alumina depends on its surface structure and conditions of heat treatment. Stable crystalline forms of alumina typically have lower surface areas; transitional forms like gamma and beta alumina have larger surfaces and therefore make more effective desiccant materials (Figure 4.1). Bundan əlavə, water content within streams may influence how an activated alumina desiccant performs (see figure below).

Heating Alumina trihydrate, Al(OH)3, gibbsite or partially dehydrated A1203 produces partially dehydrated A1203 which has an approximate loss on ignition of 4 to 7%. When combined with water for binding purposes this form can then produce powdered activated alumina that has up to 4-7 weight % loss on ignition.

BASF F-200 is an activated alumina product with uniform bead size that offers an optimal balance of performance and cost. Physically strong, resistant to amines and abrasion, with high crush strengthBASF F-200 is well suited for air drying as well as industrial gas dehydration applications.

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